Woah, you should see Digg, Twitter and most of the social networking sites… going ballistic about the Windows GodMode … talking as though it had just made a divine appearance! The “God Mode” worked in Windows Vista too. It was posted in Neowin in 2008 and the credit for it afaik goes to my MVP colleague & TWCF Mod Ramesh Kumar, who when he did not have a blog then, had posted about it, way back on  WinVistaClub, (post now moved here) along with a FIX if things went wrong in Windows Vista x64. But sure, one must credit whoever coined the term GodMode, it definitely catches your attention and sounds much better than … yawn … Master Control Panel. But hey, who cares, lets celebrate and spread the word … Windows has a “new secret” God Mode! TIP: The List of CLSID to open Windows Special Folders & the secret BEHIND the Windows “God Mode” may interest you. UPDATE- 4th Jan 2010:

  1. Happy to see Chron/Techblog set the records straight.2. Also see Ed Botts take on this.