What is phishing?

Phishing is a cybercrime where criminals lure victims, with an intention to steal victim’s data, using fake emails and text messages. Mainly, it is done by mass email campaigns. They use temporary email IDs and temporary servers, so it becomes hard for authorities to nab them. They have a general template that is sent to hundreds of thousands of recipients so that at least a few can be tricked. Learn how to identify phishing attacks.

Why is it called phishing?

You know about fishing. In real life fishing, the fisherman sets a bait so that he can catch fish when the latter are hooked to the fishing rod. On the Internet too, they use bait in the form of a message that can be convincing and appears genuine. Since the criminals use a bait, it is called phishing. It stands for password fishing which is now referred to as phishing.

How to pronounce phishing?

It is pronounced as PH-ISHING. ‘PH’as in Fishing.

How common is phishing?

Phishing attacks are more common than malware. This is to say that more and more cybercriminals are engaged in phishing compared to those who spread malware using emails, fake websites, or fake advertisements on genuine websites. These days, phishing kits are sold online so practically anyone with some knowledge of networks can buy them and use them for illegal tasks. These phishing kits provide everything from cloning a website to compiling a compelling email or text.

Types of phishing

There are many types of phishing. Some of the popular ones are:

1] General Phishing

In its most basic form of phishing, you encounter emails and texts cautioning you about something while asking you to click a link. In some cases, they ask you to open the attachment in the email they sent to you. In the email subject line, the cybercriminals lure you into opening the email or text. Sometimes, the subject line is that one of your online accounts needs updating and sounds urgent. In the body of the email or text, there is some compelling information that is fake but believable and then ends with a call to action: asking you to click on the link they provide in the phishing email or text. Text messages are more dangerous because they use shortened URLs whose destination or full link can’t be checked without clicking on them when you read them on the phone. There may be any app anywhere that may help with checking out the full URL but there’s none I am aware of yet.

2] Spear phishing

Refers to targeted phishing where the targets are employees of business houses. The cybercriminals get their workplace IDs and send the fake phishing emails to those addresses. It appears as an email from someone top on the corporate ladder, creating enough hurry to reply to them… thereby helping the cybercriminals with breaking into the network of the business house. Read all about spear phishing here. The link also contains some examples of spear phishing.

3] Whaling

Whaling is similar to spear phishing. The only difference between Whaling and Spear phishing is that spear-phishing can target any employee, while whaling is used to target certain privileged employees. The method is the same. The cybercriminals get the official email IDs and phone numbers of the victims and send them a compelling email or text that involves some call for action that might open the corporate intranet to give the back-door access. Read more about Whaling phishing attacks.

4] Smishing and Vishing

When cybercriminals use short messaging service (SMS) to fish out personal details of victims, it is known as SMS phishing or Smishing for short. Read about Smishing and Vishing details.

5] QRishing scams

QR codes are not new. When information is supposed to be kept short and secret, QR codes are the best to implement. You may have seen QR codes on different payment gateways, bank adverts, or simply on WhatsApp Web. These codes contain information in the form of a square with black scattered all over it. Since it is not known what all information a QR code provides, it is always best to stay away from unknown sources of the codes. That is to say that if you receive a QR code in an email or text from an entity that you do not know, don’t scan them. Read more about QRishing scams on smartphones.

6] Tabnabbing

Tabnabbing changes a legitimate page you were visiting, to a fraudulent page, once you visit another tab. Let’s say: This is Tabnabbing, also called Tabjacking. There are some other types of phishing that are not used much nowadays. I have not named them in this post. The methods used for phishing keep on adding new techniques to the crime. Know the different types of cybercrimes if interested.

Identifying phishing emails and texts

While the cybercriminals take all measures to trick you into clicking their illegal links so that they can steal your data, there are a few pointers that give out a message that the email is fake. So, if a mail from http://axisbank.com comes from an email ID that says [email protected], you need to exercise caution. Also, look for spelling errors. In the Axis Bank example, if the email ID comes from axsbank.com, it is a phishing email. PhishTank will help you verify or report Phishing websites

Precautions for phishing

The above section talked about identifying phishing emails and texts. At the base of all precautions is the need to check the origin of email instead of simply clicking on the links in the email. Do not give out your passwords and security questions to anyone. Look at the email ID from which the email was sent. If it is a text from a friend, you know, you might want to confirm if he or she had sent it really. You could call him and ask him if he sent a message with a link. Some links come in saying you have to verify your sign up. See if you signed up for any service recently. If you cannot remember, forget the email link.

Close the browser immediately. Do not touch or enter any information in case of not being able to close the browser, like in some smartphones’ default browser. Manually close each tab of such browsers. Remember not to log in to any of your apps until you run a scan using BitDefender or Malwarebytes. There are some paid apps too that you can use. The same goes for computers. If you clicked a link, the browser would be launched, and some sort of duplicate website would appear. Don’t tap or touch anywhere on the browser. Just click on the close browser button or use the Windows Task Manager to close the same. Run an antimalware scan before using other applications on the computer. Read: Where to report Online Scams, Spam and Phishing websites? Please comment and let us know if I left out anything in this phishing cheat sheet.