Shutdown PC in a Single Click, using NPower Tray

While browsing the web, I happened to come across another similar tool by the name – NPower Tray.  NpowerTray is another tool that creates a system tray icon to manage standard power options like SHUTDOWN, RESTART, SLEEP, and HIBERNATE in a single step. Yes, you have read it right, single step! When you double-click on its system-tray icon, Windows will get shutdown automatically without displaying any confirmation prompt. Cool, isn’t it? Also, right-clicking the icon will bring up all the standard power options like:

To start NPowerTray with the System, select ‘About’ from the right-click menus and then check the ‘Start with Windows Desktop’ option.

The main highlight of the application is that, like HotShut, it does not require installation of any kind. Just extract its content to any folder and start using it right away. Do note that Npower Tray requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile which is included in Windows by default. You can download Npower Tray from here.